Caregiver Support
Former first lady, Rosalyn Carter stated “…"There are only four kinds of people in the world – those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers."
Family Nutrition Coaching
It is known that "healthy children" begin with healthy parents. You are only one step away from receiving valuable tools that will help you learn and practice real solutions for better health and some of the most common problems faced by families today. L.E.A.N. Start strategies will help you:
Adult & Senior Wellness
People spend a lifetime investing in their IRA (Individual Retirement Account) yet invest nothing in their IRAH (Individual Retirement Account for Health). Take charge of your health, prevent disease, avoid disability and enjoy the second half of life. Are you ready to...
Workplace Wellness
For every dollar spent on employee wellness programs, employers receive three to four dollars in healthcare savings according to researchers at Brigham Young University. Let me provide a wellness program customized to fit your needs!